Making that final big push.
The practical driving test centre in Dundee is located at:
Dundee MPTC Driving Test Centre
Block 23B
Kilspindie Place
Dunsinane Industrial Estate
Use the Link to book your practical driving test online.
When you attend for test you will require your driving licence. It is also a good idea to have your Theory Test Pass Certificate, although the DVSA insist that this is not required. The examiner will check the documentation while you read and sign a declaration stating that you are a UK resident, and that the vehicle you are using on test is insured for that purpose.
While you are signing the declaration the examiner will inspect your licence for authenticity, and will also ask you to confirm that your name and address is the same as stated on the licence.
Examiners will always ask candidates if they would like their instructor (or another observer – preferably the person who has taught them) to sit in on their test and listen to the feedback. However, it is purely the candidate's choice. Should you decline this offer the examiner will ask you if you would like your instructor to attend the debrief at the end of the test. This is something you should accept as the instructor will be advised of anything that may require remedial attention in the event that you should fail the test.
They will also confirm that the email address given previously is where you wish your test result to be sent later.
Once the preliminaries are completed take all of your documentation with you as, if you pass the test, the examiner will ask if you would like your new licence sent out to you. If so they will take your provisional licence from you and will destroy it at the test centre. You will not need this as, if passed, a test pass certificate will be issued, entitling you to drive solo.
Your driving test will start with an eyesight check, which you must pass or else you will not be allowed to drive at all. You will also lose your test fee.
The Examiner will then ask the first ("Tell Me") of two vehicle safety questions (See "Show Me, Tell Me"). Your test is not dependant on getting these right but you do not wish to incur any avoidable minor faults.
The second ("Show Me") question will be asked at some point during the test whilst you are on the move.
You can view the Official DVSA Show Me Tell Me video here.
You will then start your practical driving test which will last about 40 minutes.
Your examiner will give you a test briefing at the start to outline what is going to happen on the test. You will be asked to follow a predetermined route (which the examiner can alter if traffic conditions/circumstances demand) and perform one set manoeuvre along the way. You may also be asked to carry out a controlled emergency stop exercise. You should listen carefully to any instructions or directions that the examiner gives you but should follow the road ahead unless otherwise instructed, or if road signs dictate.
Throughout the test your examiner will be looking for an overall safe standard of driving, including when you are carrying out the set exercises. They will look for you to be confident and to make reasonable progress through the various situations that you will encounter. They will not try to find difficult situations but will expect you to handle whatever does come up during the drive. You can make up to 15 driving (minor) faults and still pass the test (16 or more results in failure). However, if you commit one serious or dangerous fault you will fail the test. If the examiner has to take any sort of correctional action, be it verbal or physical, this will also most likely, but not always, result in failure.
The driving test has been designed to see if you can drive safely on a variety of road types, demonstrating and understanding the rules of The Highway Code. This will include Sat Nav use for the Independent Driving section of the test.
On returning to the test centre the examiner will complete their test report and will give you the result of the test. You will also be offered an explanation of how they have marked the more serious decisions. Remember, should you wish me to be present at this debrief, Data Protection rules mean that you must request that I be asked over.
As previously stated, if you have passed, the examiner will ask if you wish your new driving licence to be sent out to you automatically. If so then they will take your provisional and will give you a pass certificate which you can use in the meantime.
Should you choose to keep your provisional, and redeem your full licence yourself, you must do so within a two year period. After two years your Pass Certificate will expire and you will then be required to resit both theory and practical tests again. Should you continue to drive without a full licence you will probably be committing several road traffic offences.
You can view the "Driving Test 2020: Official DVSA Guide" here.
Independent driving has become a major part of the practical driving test. It's tasking the candidate to drive for about 20 minutes, either following traffic signs, or in most cases now, a pre-programmed route on a Sat Nav.
At some point during the test the examiner will ask you to carry out one of the set manoeuvres.
Make sure to pay attention and carry out the manoeuvre as you have been taught.
The manoeuvres are: