Traffic Lights have three lights which change in a set cycle:
Stop and wait at the stop line
Stop and wait.
You can get ready to go but you must wait for the green light.
Go if the way is clear
Stop, unless:
Stop and wait at the stop line.
Approach Traffic Lights as you would any other hazard or junction. Keep your speed down and do not speed up to "beat the lights". Be ready to stop, especially if the lights have been on green for some time.
A green filter arrow in a traffic light means you can filter in the direction the arrow is pointing, even if the main light is not showing green. Don't enter this lane unless you want to go in the direction shown by the arrow. When turning left or right at traffic lights take special care, and give way to pedestrians already crossing.
Use the MSPSGL routine as you approach the lights. Pay attention to lane markings and get into the correct lane in good time. Be prepared to stop. If you are in the wrong lane you should continue in this lane and correct your route when it is safe to do so.
At some traffic lights there are advance stop lines to allow cyclists to position themselves ahead of other traffic.
Stop at the first white line. Do not encroach on the marked area, which is reserved for cyclists only. Allow the cyclists time and space to move off when the lights change to green.
In some areas there are bus advance areas, these should be treated in the same way as those provided for cyclists.
These are often used to control traffic where low-flying aircraft pass over the road, or at swing or lifting bridges, or other special sites such as fire stations.
They may either be
If the traffic lights fail, proceed with caution. Treat the situation as you would an unmarked junction.
Two amber lights flashing alternately warn traffic of a school crossing point ahead at some busy locations.
Keep your speed down and proceed will great care.